Very weird shaking news by Magnitude.Thus,my model explanation

You know to weird a seismic news at US;

Such a magnitude with shaking characteristics is evaluating as very very weird!!!Thus,I compiled some literature informations for this condition.And,I can express with  actual some news that a Geophysical Model.By this model,you know that

  • Confining Zone
  • Absorbtion Zone
  • Target Zone 

are quite important!!!In this model concept,you know about reflected a condition by characteristics  of related ground region of produced shock waves as conclusion of effected event to absorbtion layer.Yes.I mean that about produced by such a mechanism of this type 'extreme weird' shaking news by  considering to this magnitude.So,also,we are testing to characteristics of Ground.In the other hand,as maybe more important is  understanding  presence  of a 'Absorbtion Zone'.

Thus thanks...I will wait about your ideas

Ekrem Erkuş


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