
Nisan, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

4/30_ Analysis Conclusions


short but clear informations about role of swarm and cumulative type events

We can suggest various method into concept of producing valuable information on needs of some geoenvironments.I especially sign great role of seismologic data among this methods.At this field,actual devs are very very nice by past.But,I especially must be express big data disability considering  globe scale.As evaluated,this condition is causing  to info stru. as very very constrained to needs of  some geoenvironments.You are right!Generally,this condition is expressing by frequently various envs. disadvantages of such a constrined condition causing cumulative info dbase based on only US for some geoenvironments. Thanks Ekrem,Geophysicist

Information on needs of some geoenvironments

 I again fix morphologic impact nature of Hudson Bay with a corelation of 2.26 radius on reference of West Papua events&seismic news of Kaktovik region.I shared some informations  citing on some analysis this region.Thus,I underline of a fix cond on needs of some geoenvironments for this region with latest geometric relation condition👋 I will establish through my blog similar descriptions... Ekrem,Geophysics Engineer 

4/29_ Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)


4/28_ Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)
