another mechanism_explained

You know that I expressed about a big earthquake mechanism based on pressure systems...

Where,we can summary to condition under pressure effects as quite complex of crust as a whole with caused velocity variations of solar density variations.

We can express to mechanism of swarmtype developments by smaller magnitudes as similar to philosophy of this example.Thus,schematic summary;

Explanation as comparison of two type event by my idea;

You are right!!!I mean that effected" noble gas type pressure"  to more big fields is expressing a slow cumulation into longer timeframe as  upper zone sourced.This type Earthquake events are under naturally  big earthquake classification into  historic concept.Thus,effected "noble gas type pressure" to small fields is summarying a instant cumulation by  extreme short timeframe as lower zone sourced.You will evaluate that this type Earthquake events are as effected "small swarm type developments" to more micro locations.

Your ideas thus will be quite important for some studies...

I will wait for your replies

Again thanks

Ekrem Erkuş


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