
Haziran, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

A strange condition

Locations informations of additionaly Earthquake query programs on considering to established locations after Globe Earthquake Geometry Softwares are not carrying-out to 100% geometry for three point.Some causes of this that shortly can express(Where,I will not handle to this causes) Thus,I realised a analysis that summarying to similar condition; Where,I evaluated to sense condition of West America and S America event locations.So,NZ subduction region as third location thus a little bit rude; And next,China among disovery locations that as most interesting.Because,you show a Earthquake event as near location.Where,I think about some causes; Other discovery locations; NOTE: I will wait to your answers about this condition

Predictability chapter by weekly Earthquake activities on Globe Scale of Volcanic Activities into considered degree is not a mystery.

Predictability chapter by  weekly Earthquake activities on Globe Scale of  Volcanic Activities into considered degree is not a mystery.Thus,a example is clearly presenting for Colima,Fuego,Pacaya and Santiaguto with 22/6/2019 data  on volcanodiscovery apk; Note:Map Scale is not expressing a working as detail.But,triangular structure has to perfect corelation with activity of volcanoes!!! Thus, Special thanks to Eartquake analysis software Where,not only understanding a classification characterstics based on Mt.Colima of expressed volcanoes also causes of region of Antilles with Colombia and Venezuaela regions are showing as clear 

Analysis conclusions as a conclusion of my analysis at Globe Scale;

Analysis conclusions as a conclusion of my analysis at Globe Scale; Where,especially; Sao Tome&Principe* quite interesting; Similarly,Corsica*&Sardegna* can express... As Big Crater type Depression fields; -Angola Ocean Region* -S Svalbard Region* -Marshall Islands Region* -Big Ocean Plate Part of Antarctica* can frame..

A powerful source about Geology of San Casciano dei Bagni region

For some realities on Earthquke event information for  San Casciano dei Bagni  region; https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=949&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=WR8GXaOiOPy01fAPsIS3kAI&q=San+Casciano+dei+Bagni+geology+section&oq=San+Casciano+dei+Bagni+geology+section&gs_l=img.3...112299.115397..115605...1.0..0.256.2892.0j14j3......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i19.m-7jDyRCQO4#imgrc=FwTk7iXcsEtnfM:

16/6/2019_A Earthquake event information

Earthquakes of Mammoth Lake region are not  mystery...Thus,some realities; https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs172-96/

Unpredictable M6.0 environment events until analysis after 18/6 maybe can continue!!!

My MeWe followers will know that I expressed into latest times, And,a condition detection with realised events on last two magnitude is subject; Condition detection:   I am working about M6.0 environments on clear predictability .Next,this type events are supporting a condition as out of very clear predictability concept with similar locations into short time range; Thus,I mean that  characteristics of very clear  predictability periods are not presenting to thistype parameter specifications...As conclusion,I will check about developing of very clear predictability conditions at other analysis period(so,after 18/6).In this aspect,I say for this events that **unpredictable big magnitude events** In the other hand,latest seismicity condition of Austalia Region that other supplementary of strange events as period ; Thus,for normal period information of M6.0 type events that I suggest to follow to me...

8/6/2019_My MeWe followers will know that especially expressed a big potential condition for my latest Big Earthquake Alerts...

My MeWe followers will know that especially expressed a big potential condition for my latest Big Earthquake Alerts...by ever that condition,news for a big event have not been recorded as very very interesting.. Powerful implications about role of a magnetic excursion type event for such a condition are subject; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvG0hS0BEzc&list=LLOFwOH3xvtZxb6YFYcU9iIQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-DfiTZfTtM Well!What is Magnetic Excursion as common? So,a summary of condition at Solar System maybe will be more clear; Shortly,summarying as caused anti-resonance effects of a Magnetic Excursion type phenomena as explained mechanism against to such poweful big earthquake parameters

8/6/2019-A conclusion of Patern Analysis at Global Scale

by USGS data; -Tianshan Mountain Range region -South Part of Kamchatka Peninsula  -South Part of Suva -Antarctica_Australia Plate Boundary region expressed a patern structure as 6000km as radius.Conclusions; Centre point of circle is signing to East VolcanicArcRegion of Celebes Sea(So,Karangetang at Api Siau as most popular)