
Temmuz, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Çanakkale/Yenice Event Mechanism by evaluation as a whole of some data

Çanakkale/Yenice Region Event(M4.1) Location; I researched for a Structural Indicator at Region; As first data,condition of Yenice Fault at Region is interesting... As complementary with second data,about role of a "Active Fault System Region" is evaluating Next,I aim to catching a common characteristic of some data as Geologic.Thus,supplementary&complementary to first two data.By the way,special thanks to Google Earth..,I realised to multi data analysis on image thrusting functionality with Google Earth; My first data clearly show that realised at a region under constraint of  two main fault system as SW-NE directed of Event Location.Also,other data that as a fixing; As conclusion,we can clearly express that movement condition of a weak tectonic strcuture under constraint of two main fault is subject.Most interesting chapters as Geology; Oligo-Miocene Volcanics/Neogene Volcanics can express Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tekman Region Event_Explaining about Earthquake Mechanism

A M4.0 environment  event at Erzurum/Tekman region is subject; Firstly,I realised a analysis of linear type structures at region; As conclusion,a linear type structure for Region  is not subject And next,I wondered to conclusions about Region Geology; A "Extraordinary Geologic Structure" condition for Event location can select.Also,Geologic description of this structure that as complementary  to solution; Conclusion, understanding as 'related ophiolites &large metamorphic blocks' based on Accreditionary Complex type structure. Thus,a clear schematic presentation about Ophiolite mechanism, Ophiolites schematic presentation with Conclusion expression summary to movement of a "large block type"  as event cause(Note: Point Magnitude Distribution by time is supplying  to this condition). 

Crete Event(M5.3)_31/7/2019-Solutioned

Crete Event(M5.3) is not a mystery.Expressed  a "colision location"of Two against geologic movemement as geologic based on sectional of Region is understanding; And next,There are not any point distribution condition for event location with Magnitude based on Geology.Thus,'A important Tectonic Structure' at  Ionian Basement is confirming;

31/7/2019 M5.7 Magnitude of which a literature example about how caused to powerful effects at far field

Hello everyone.A M5.7 event information for 31/7/2019 as date which is not expressing as very big Magnitude.Also,"Severe-Strong shaking condition" at Capital City as far location expresses as a reference example about how effected to ground at far field of a "Macroseismic Intensity" as ~VII scale.Thus,Interesting Regions; S of Col Vista Hermosa have to most powerful risk Other parts as powerful, Urbanizacion La Montana&Residencial Escalon 2000 region Residencial Granada&Tepeyac Santa Tecla

Bayan ng Itbayat Island environment(Solutioned)

Realised last seismic phenomenas at Philippine Islands Region caused to solution of a mystery about region; Patern shape and Magnitude structure have analysed...Thus,shortly we can  express that Bayan ng Itbayat Island environment was sink as a conclusion  of effect of  Seismic Events

A Earthquake realised at Mt.Ilgaz region of Turkey as extraordinary a location(Mt.Ilgaz,Region Realities)

A Earthquake realised at Mt.Ilgaz region of Turkey as extraordinary a location I know with my land etudes to tectonic structure of region(I realised a route survey job on Wenner Technic) As summary,reflecting as very corelated to characteristics of  a" collision region" is subject.Thus,classification into a "fold mountain structure" can express.Complementary good informations; https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/fold-mountain/ Also,naked rocks are clearly showing to faulting effects by tectonism; As conclusion,with causing to folding of Colision Tectonism thus reality of faulting based on folding which as causing to such a event is expressing

A unsupervised classification application on Satellite Data with Python

Steps: 1)Producing a folder at Desktop 2)A image catching via Google Earth as example and recording into this folder (Test.tif as example) Test.tif example : DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM: You need GDAL, Numpy and Sklearn. If you wish to see the data you will also need Matplotlib.   Start with a single band image import numpy as np from sklearn import cluster from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Tell GDAL to throw Python exceptions, and register all drivers gdal.UseExceptions() gdal.AllRegister() # Read in raster image img_ds = gdal.Open('test.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly) band = img_ds.GetRasterBand(2) img = band.ReadAsArray() print (img.shape) X = img.reshape((-1,1)) print (X.shape) k_means = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=8) k_means.fit(X) X_cluster = k_means.labels_ X_cluster = X_cluster.reshape(img.shape) print (len(X_cluster)) Plot the classified image plt.figure(figsize=

19-23/7/2019 Summary and interesting determinations

SUMMARY: A crack for Earth`s Magnetic Field has opened.And,a Aurora Alert is subject!!!(But,this condition is not as a conclusion of Solar Density!!!)A lunar orthogonality effect that caused to such a conclusion at Magnetic Field.Other dates are carrying out to similar lunar relations for crack at Earth`s Magnetic Field(Nov 4,2016&May 14,2019 checked) In the other hand,Mercury Eclipse have not caused a big event!!!Also,Lunar Resonance Effect of Venus as single is not subject for a big Earthquake.Moreover,caused to ~M6.0 environment at a ridge region with Earth-Moon-Neptune linearity

Explanation about Cause of realised "NW Latin America Earthquake" into neartimes(Solutioned!!!)

    Hello to My followers... Unfortunately,a structure as fixed magnitudes as location with single causes of Earthquake events is not subject.Thus,mechanism solution of some events as a mystery can cause to a process as time consuming.Solution of such a condition for example that thus I realised; SOLUTUION AND PROGRESSS SUMMARY FOR SOLUTION:     I think as powerful that realised Earthquake events by EM type resonance phenomena are indicator of void type locations...A Reference Article for arriving to such a conclusion is subject; https://www.google.com/amp/s/p hys.org/news/2018-07-reveals-g reat-pyramid-giza-focus.amp So,I especially underline that Earthquakes of Lunar Resonance times thus presenting to important informations.(You will remember to realised a "NW Latin America Earthquake" into neartime frame!!!At this event,role of a Lunar EM resonance  as very very strange have expressed.And,such a Magnitude by extraordinary location as location is expressi

Short explanation of realised a seismicity condition as Low Magnitude for Karamanlı Region/Burdur of Turkey

Short explanation of realised a seismicity condition as Low Magnitude for Karamanlı Region/Burdur of Turkey; Magnitudes quite small values are presenting.Also,some evalautions with point data distribution analysis have carried-out... And,a sectional Hydrogeochemistry explanation about region have analysed; with all this conclusions;a activation condition of expressed "discordance type development" as Orhaniye Formation that shortly can summary...Where,expressed to quite weak a condition as geomechanic characteristics of this formation is predicting.And next,this prediction on some researches have confirmed.  a condition as more big magnitude for Region that after such a seismicity condition is not evaluating... Note as suggestion: Region for settlement type developments on upper explanations as ground structure is understanding as quite weak. 

About role of Moon at ridge type events as ~M5.0

There is a ridge event as ~M5.0 . I realised a analysis via considering to Orthogonal effect to Moon by Earth.But,I have not publised...And,I would like to sharing as a conclusion of realising of a Iceland event with Indian ridge event First,event informations; And,my analysis conclusions; Realised of such type ridge events as a conclusion of Orthogonal effects to Moon by Earth is understanding...

Conclusions of my other analysis for Interesting Geologic Destinations

Interesting conclusions of my other analysis for Interesting Geologic Destinations; Interesting region as NW of Addis Ababa A interesting message about this region is subject; Marquesas Islands(or Markiz) Most important characteristics about Region; -Petroglyph type masterpieces -Rock Formations  http://manuelcohen.photoshelter.com/image/I0000yaNIb.M7nho https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-rock-formation-on-nuka-hiva-island-marquesas-islands-french-polynesia-125917040.html https://www.shutterstock.com/tr/search/marquesas+islands And,I see a message; Redençao Region as ~ Also,a geologic article that quite informative about region; https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Detailed-geological-map-of-the-Redencao-region-showing-the-areal-distribution-of-granitic_fig2_233795927 Philippines Sea Region A Google Earth Message quite interesting; Also,some mysterious regions are subject; Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Continuing to lighting to mysteries for Our Globe as Geologic

Solutioning to mysteries as geologic of Our Globe is as maybe first among my most important individual missions...Thus,my analysis conclusions and about some informations; Lubango Region/ANGOLA Some video informations; https://www.tripmondo.com/angola/huila-province/joao-caldeira/ Bangkok/Capital City of THAILAND  Meandering Structure Location as prominent as Geography  Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier Region/GREENLAND A article among Various  Geophysical Survey about region; https://www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/tc-2018-260/tc-2018-260.pdf In the other hand,mysterious regions also subject; Mid Pacific Mountains Region As very very interesting,Splashdown Point of Apollo 12 Accretionary Complex Region of Lima as ~   And finally,interesting field with a  observed path information   Magnetic Poles Locations at Antarctica Region;