Where,I will discuss a method summarying as informing selective earthquake locations based on daily globe seismic developments with Google Earth

 Method Steps:

  1. Downloading data of daily seismic development
  2. Eliminating some magnitudes on criteria
  3. Grouping referencing some timeranges other events(So,pin colouring)
  4. Correlation analysis via circle patern group events
  5. As conclusion,noting/sharing as 'your primary expectation regions' considering experiments about earthquake regions of fields descripted of circle routes
Note.For example,I  noted on experiments selective some conditions about S Chile Trench especially on analysis.And next,I shared via MeWe Platform news based on Valdivia Subduction with Antofagasta-Copiapo Trench👍

Ekrem Erkuş
Geophysics Engineer


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