Krakatau Developments


The explosive eruption at the volcano continues.

A couple of intense vulcanian-sized eruptions took place from the cinder cone in the early morning today.
Surveillance cameras of the PVMBG volcano institute observed at 04:12 local time a strong glow illuminating a broad part of the edifice. This might be a result of a short-term, but strong eruptive episode (likely to be classified as paroxysm) generating hot, juvenile and plastic ejecta landing onto various flanks of the volcano, but most often on the south slopes.
Later on, at about 07:43 local time, an intense explosion generated a perpendicularly rising grey-to-black ash-abundant column to estimated 2,2 km height drifting northeast.
The seismic network reported seismic signals with maximum amplitudes of 60 and 36,5 mm and a duration of 145 and 54 seconds.
Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi volcano activity update 28 March 2023

Update Mar29:

The eruptive activity at the volcano is currently dominated by strong vulcanian-type explosions over the past two days.
Several more powerful blasts continued from the cinder cone throughout yesterday afternoon. The volcano generated relatively tall (given the volcano's 189 m in height) and dense grey-to-black ash plumes, rising up to nearly 2,7 km, then 1,6 and 1,2 km elevation, respectively. The plumes dispersed towards the west and southwest.
The seismic network reported seismic signals with maximum amplitudes of 70 mm and a duration of 89 , 33 and 25 seconds.
Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi volcano activity update 29 March 2023
