I support to analysis efforts based on software for Earthquake prediction...And,I present to your attention an example;

There are harsh efforts of software developers based on pre-analysis qualified for seismic events!!!!I present your attention selective a video as such a example;

Yes,you will observe reached a level handling for individual levels  of a cond as gravity disturbance especially considering data import methodology😐I realised a compilation on link information of presentation.Thus,conclusions;

 Note.against to problems for pygmt installation;

conda install --channel conda-forge pygmt


  1. Where,I thought to requirement of handling add infos about some chapters ,

    Expressing a thesis due to mass developments of inner earth as cause of developments of heatflux.And next,citing to chapter inner earth mass developments among factors causing to Gravity disturbance!You are right,informations about some developments related to software field from this aspect was summary...


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