March 15,2020_M5.3 Bandar Abbas/IRAN-I report on similar mechanism.But,lower magnitude based on Solar Impact characteristics...

Hello everyone,

I again informed about Schumann Resonance Spectrogram;

You know that I expressed about a mechanism condition;

Similarly,my evaluations clearly signed for M5.3 event at Bandar Abbas/IRAN...So,I can summary as completely true for  "collision zone region" expression  expressed into literature at Bandar Abbas region!!!By the way,I remember that I summaried via my social media account about event realised for this timeframe;

In this base,I shortly can summary that region has to potential capability for M6.0 environment events by solar flare degree


Also,Another Schumann Spectogram news;

You will evaluate that observing a dense phenomena  period between 16-18!!!!!!!And thus,a querying conclusion;

Where,Tonga Event(M6.0) with 3xM>=5.5 environment events(Sunda and Australia Plate Environments)  have to big corelation with dense phenomena period as expressed!!!!(Realised this events into a range as 90-130 degree from US region) 

Again you will see that events have to perfect corelation with collision zones!!!

Schumann Spectrogram between 27-28 evaluated as another interesting indicators;

Big Earthquake conclusions based on this date of USGS;

Again understanding realised into a wide angle range of events by evaluating as US-sourced of data!!!This events;

  • MatanoFault(Literature says as other plate zone.But,I evaluate about a collision zone structure of this zone during this analysis
  • Austalia(Manokwari)  and Australian(Port-Vila) Collision Zones

I carried-out a clear explanation about how treated of Matano Fault for this event;

Collision effect expressed with Orange Arrows caused to "strike slip movement" at Matano Fault!!!(White Arrows).This event  returned to 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake&Tsunami to me(You will remember that about amazing liquefaction phenomena!!!On this information,I think about causing to different a impulse to researching chapters based on liquefaction potential of this type tectonic structures .

Note.Island physical shape can summary as a big supplier to this thesis

Again thanks...

Ekrem Erkuş
Geophysics Engineer


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