
2025 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Solution to needs of some geoenvs according to seismic shock assumption of M5.9 event

Expressing as a Seismic Shock condition effecting to region referencing M7.3 progress M5.9 event of Feb10 by various geoenvironment.In this condition,signing to Equatorial Geography of East Africa as a solution with M7.6 phenomena of Feb8. Ekrem ERKUŞ Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY

I evaluate a development effecting to regional fracture zone considering depth chapter

I need necessity of discussing an explanation after M5.3 event for MüsellimBay.We were witnessed selective some seismic developments for SeaofMarmara before event.Next,I observed informations about increasing based on Radon concentrations for Marmara via some internet sources.In the other hand,I cite a condition sensing via internet sources as of seismic development for Çanakkale region.So,I evaluated with individual experiments regional scale a progress as a whole.And yesterday,I observed a seismic development as M5 env. Yes,I mean with this explanation that impacted a regional fracturezone structure Radongas progress. Note. At this point,experiments of related envs about chapter will be important Ekrem ERKUŞ Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY Update Jan25: I know selecvtive condition compared to nearstates as related to radongas invasion of Minesota State.But,I have not any informations for meanlevels of gas invasion by Worldscale.Considering this point,I must express that no big magnitude e...

not only intermsof magma producing theses but also for earth researchers

I explained by orthogonal globe concept to required components for 3 event geographies  among magma producing theses; Where,as evaluated,first event is opening phenomena.This phenomena is required component for orthogonal geographies.And next,radial developments are required components for event of orthogonal distance geography. I share Google Earth Conclusions for Earth Researchers; Ekrem ERKUŞ Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY

2014 Bardarbunga-Holuhraun rifting event

2014 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun rifting event evaluates among important lava intrusion phenomens of Iceland considering neartime frame relatively.I think that presenting some informations based on software progress will be important; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIuCWbi6i9w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPaF2bxVAv4 Update: Similarly,Gjalp explosion event of 1996 caused to outevents  of Caldera.For detail informations about this chapter; https://www.wikiwand.com/en/articles/1996_eruption_of_Gj%C3%A1lp Yes,news about Bardarbunga seismic event of neartime thus main root of some sensitivities   

E Urfa Zone-summary of mechanism based on latest seismic developments

I share a sectional information summarying individual working efforts for mainframe of mechanism after seismic developments about E Urfa Zone; Ekrem ERKUŞ Geophysicist/TURKEY

Grjotarvatn Volcano-Volcanic Seismic Unrest

  The plot showing the continuous tremor at the Hítardalur seismic station between 05:00 PM and 06:00 PM on 2 January (image: Icelandic Meteorological Office) On Thursday, January 2nd, a tremor event was recorded between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM, originating near Grjótárvatn. The tremor, lasting approximately 40 minutes, consisted of a series of continuous small earthquakes, most of which were too small to be precisely located. Only two earthquakes within the tremor sequence were located, occurring at a depth of about 15 km, with magnitudes of M1.5 and M1.8. In total, around 20 earthquakes were detected that day, all at depths of 15–20 km, with magnitudes ranging from M0.1 to M2.0. Yesterday morning, January 8th, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) held its monthly meeting to review recent activity across the country's volcanic systems. During the meeting, the increased seismic activity near Grjótárvatn was analyzed and possible explanations discussed. A recent analysis of seismic...

What are developments about Land Cover Classification on Python?

  Datalink: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxKVwFDmxFut9QmnhNX6fp2xvauUCOxN/view?usp=sharing

about Kariba Reservoir Region's Seismic Developments

  The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) said Thursday that a spate of earthquakes has struck the area around the Kariba Dam since Dec. 1 but assured the public that the dam, situated on the Zambezi River basin between Zambia and Zimbabwe, remains structurally sound. ZRA, a binational organization managing the Zambezi River's waters for the benefit of both countries, said in a press release that seven earthquakes have recently hit the region, including a 4.9-magnitude tremor recorded Monday at a depth of 10 km. The epicenters of the quakes were located between 19 and 40 km from Kariba and surrounding areas. The authority explained that the earthquakes are primarily reservoir-induced seismic activities caused by the presence of the reservoir and fluctuations in water levels due to drawdowns. "The earthquakes are not only limited to Kariba as they have been reported from the filling and subsequent operation of several other large dams and reservoirs worldwide," the release said....

Selective Magnetometer Progress
