An actual example to activation of some tectonic elements with solar type progresses

 My experiments after Coxenhole tectonic zone seismic event of May16 say about caused an opening type mechanism development for orthogonal distance of some solartype progresses!!!

So,referencing this seismic event,occured a transform  movement as related to opening for ridge expressing as ~ 120 km of S Cayman Isls

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY


  1. Evaluate referencing some publications blog followers summaried a condition as area of interest especially of my seismic event explanations based on this type tectonic frame

    1. Focusing to this type mechanisms you will evaluate clearly as important an approach for lighting big ratio of seismic events😐

    2. Thus,I must say chapter as 'important an impulse' various env for seismic events👍

  2. Yes,you are right,understanding clearly very useful a solution referencing logic of methodology😐

  3. By the way,We witness as sw el rosario/Hon a M4.0 env event😐


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