Test Procedure about GER Detection System
Explained a field procedure detailed about GER Detection System;
reference link:
I established a explanation as add against to confusion condition about second procedure.Where;
Lila Colour Step>First movement as East-directed.Thus,I summaried NWestern backward condition of Machine👍
Dark Brown Colour Step>Second movement as West-directed.Thus,I summaried NWestern backward condition of Machine👍
Light Blue Colour Step>Third movement as North-directed.Thus,I summaried W backward condition of Machine👍
Light Brown Colour Step>Fourth movement as South-directed.Thus,I summaried NWestern backward condition of Machine👍
You are right.I especially express critic role of dashed lines(reds) on second procedure;
You are right.If you have not some land experiments,I harshly suggest drawing arrows expressed via spray application as easiest way👍
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