Confusing about systems...Thus,clear explanations considering needs of various people.

I observe some evaluations about summaried a condition as exactly "confusing" of exploration chapter. I agree this ideas developed of various people.Really,evaluating such a condition considering some causes.Thus,I realised a schematic explanation for more clear determinations(Where,my main point is individual experiments with information link);

Driving Force of GER Systems :

I cite to "driving force" position of GER Systems as a conclusion of some experiments with link;

Device expressed as GEOLOGIC SYSTEM of GER systems is including component of a "long range system". You will evaluate via demonstrations of Mr.Raj Geo that this long range system is similar autonomous GER long systems,but,I emphasize different a role with different physical characteristics as a part of "geological system" expressed 👍👍👍👍👍 In this point, I confirm on experiments equivalent a role  long range systems as Zeo and Geophinex of GER Long Range System expressed via demonstrations ofRaj Geo (So,I mean that I don't observe a system architecture as similar GER "Geologic System" of Zeo and Geophinex.Thus,understaing presented a structure as "driving force" of GER . On this conclusions,I can express as experimental that about established PERFECT SOLUTION AS A WHOLE considering optimal land conditions of GER "Geological System" 👍


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