My explanations to needs of some friends referencing last python versions about Gempy

I remember my some explanations about installation matters for Gempy.We can summary hard progress condition for some friends of chapter as Anaconda Navigator and some multi-packages requirements with Pyhton version.At this point,I cite evoluted to more easy conditions of installation matters without Anaconda Navigator with 3.1x versions of Python.

Note.Where,I discussed a test referencing Python 3.10 version (needing to this version as minimum for a add module as gempy-viewer).

You know that Gempy needs to Pyvista for 3D analysis capabilities(a  nightmare for new friends especially discussing considering one structure of these two modules).But,I must say more easy structure of conditions with new some developments relatively;

for gempy;

git clone

and,for pyvista;

pip install pyvista

Answering to you without any add modules!!!

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY


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