Interesting information intermsof Eartquake Statisticians
Important year based on some earthquake events between 2010 and 2011; Feb27,2010>Chile Earthquake_M8.8-06:34 UTC Sep3,2010>New Zealand Earthquake_M7.2-16:35 UTC March11,2011>Japan Earthquake_M9.0-05:46 UTC Sep15,2011>Fiji Earthquake_M7.3-19:30 UTC As maybe more interesting,amazing correlation as time of events that 4522 hours and one minute between Chile and New Zealand Earthquakes 4525 hours and 11 minutes between New Zealand and Japan Earthquakes 4525 hours and 44 minutes between Japan and Fiji Earthquakes Yes,we are witnessing a "perfect equidistance" as 188 days ~!
Coordinate informations for my route descriptions;
YanıtlaSil37°18'58.71"N 36° 17'26.82"E-39°1'56.36"N 37° 22'29.95"E-40°15'50.68"N 38° 11'27.88"E