Studies on Mantle Mechanism

Solutions with some models on Mantle Mechanism

This mechanism established on Earth Geomagnetics Issues based on two subduction system.I have studies on this model.And,New Zealand region  for B with Spain subduction region for A on conclusions as good corelation are establishing.Next,
between B and D
D region
between A and D
between A and C
C region
between B and C

thus,analysed via Google Earth;

So,you will evaluate that role of Geomagnetism for Heating Zones(red circles) thus clear.Next,I will wait for your other suggestions.(Also,I think to this point as powerful toolbox for Earthquake Studies).
Again,you wiil see that angle on horizontal axis of two subduction zone is 45 degree...
Thus,example on a actual event;
Conclusions on similar approach;

Thus,I would like to warning for Earthquakes as a conclusion of subduction events into redcircle zones...
Also,Atmospheric Event Pattern with redcircle on NZ boundary is very interesting;
Circle pattern on time-lapse analysis with redcircle is corelating as perfect

And,other day...Following to conclusions;


First records for Redcircles...

Well!This circle pattern thus what is mean?For this,a modelling by lat-lot orthogonality to Earth Inclination will be more clear;

So,You will see that a "horizontal S type" pattern...
First mechanism you know that for two subduction...This time I prepared for 3 subduction type on a actual example;


Not:red&purple zone as completing to paterns on routes by latest image are expressing...Also,informing to actual events based on this zones
Where,third 13232 km you know that ~SE regions of Madagascar by linear concept!!!Thus,I firstly prefering to such a model.(Because,third point via Solomon Islands as 13332 km is corelating).
other model on linear concept;


A modelling by lat-lot orthogonality to Earth Inclination will be more clear;

 Similarly,for 4 Subduction mechanism;
 By the way,I remember my plate model on subductions;

You will evaluate that  I think big ocean plate effected on big area.(conditions for Caribbean,S.Sandwich Islands Region and South Pole Region have expressed)
American Plate for North of Japan and Eurasian Plate for S of Japan as Intresting are evaluating.Also,you will see conditions for North and South pole...There are some speculations for Turkey and Iran.You will see that this countries expressing on Eurasian plate.Similarly,same condition for Latin Europe Countries  is evaluating.Also,you will see to big similarity to S.Sandwich province as pattern of Carribean regions.Maybe tectonically realise new Guatemala,El Salvadar,Honduras,Nicaragua,Costa Rica and Panama as a continuation of Tierra Del Fuego for  future times...
Shortly,you will understand that I relised a determination basen on big plates on our World


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