I continue to infosharing on needs of some geoenvironments as a conclusion of individual experimental efforts
Understanding processes of a "tectonic opening zone" directed apprx. NW-SE as related to E part of Aegean Geography😐Suggesting a analysis of neartime seismicities relatively obseved at coastal region envs of Turkey for signs of this processes.
Thanks for valuable replies
Ekrem Erkuş
Geophysics Engineer
Unfortunately, I must express focused to very very wrong chapters based on this geography of big ratio of peoples😐You are right!I especially emphasize to supplies in term of "absolute concrete conclusions" of handling actions related focusing this reality at geography related😐
You are right!expressing based on audio,visual,audiovisual sources of such a reality has to big importance.
Yes,where,I effort to catching trueway as base for productive solutions envs😐By the way,I say again that you must have to serious experiments over seismicity informations produced based on oceanic plate boundaries of Seismology😌
At this point,I will interest to MicroPlate structures produced on Oceanic Ridge System of HangaRoa for solution of Aegean Plate(Similarly,Riviera Microplate)😐
As summary,I mean that citing especially to origin related a Oceanic Rigde System of Aegean Microplate😐
Update 1 /24:
I carried-out a expression shaped of ever experiments about Eastern Part;
Yes,where,I cite to reflection of a mechanic impact summaried as orthogonal apprx. based on elastic deformation caused of a heat phenomena developed👍
This arc(HEATING ZONE) included Nisyros Volcanism is evaluating as cause of eleastic development of upper zone at GökovaBay✋
Not absolute,but,I remind to "important role" of solutions on this mechanism for 'fault explorers'😐
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