A information catched on needs of Some geoenvironments

Emphasizing cond. a reference  to activation stru. continued  for Popocatepetl of explosion expressed as Jan 9,2005 of Popocatepetl!!!!In this base,I share to needs of some geoenvironments a interesting table;

Stru. summaried as 'continuing' with same date of Popocatepetl on Table signed for volcanoes  included similar cond.(11 as total)

I realised a analysis based on these dates  expressed.Thus, I observe to big correlation cond. to catastrophic earthquake events with starting timeframes of volcanic region activations included long period

Some volcanism events finish activation after some activations on year scale.(For example,Fagradalsfjall,LaPalma).At this point,I sign to selective stru. on a reference of development progress of volcanoes expressed!!!In this mean,we can evaluate expressed "great solutions" to needs of some geoenvironments of analysis handled near starting time ranges of these volcanisms based on statistical 👍

I will wait to precious replies on their experiments of geoenvironments related about chapter.

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer


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