What's going on?

I report as interesting M4.0 env events for S Ogasawara among globe seismic developments of neartime frame

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY


  1. M7.0_Mendonico Ridge(Triple Junction Geography) Event:

    I think that among their notes Mendonico Ridge platform information of 2 days ago by routine followers.Thus,if caused a supply,I am very happy

  2. about M4.2_SW Clearlake-MeWe Platform followers evaluate that expressed a activation development for Clearlake with Nov17

  3. M6.0_SE Akademii Nauk Rise;

    I shared an information for region among MeWe platform informations of Dec5

  4. about Adak Trench Region Seismic Events:

    MeWe Platform followers will evaluate perceptible conditions for Adak Trench Geography

  5. about Fonsecabay Region Seismic Events:

    MeWe Platform followers will evaluate perceptible conditions for Fonsecabay Geography

  6. I shared an information for Bejaia Settlement by Volcanodiscovery as source.And today,we witness to M5.0 env event for Coastal Akkacha

    Be safe everyone

    1. Expressed powerful indicator datasets for env of Dec16.And today,we witness to M7.0 env event for PortVila Treench

    2. I say to needs of some envs MeWe Platform Informations as S SantaCruz Isls of 12 and 13 for this event

    3. 2 days ago,I shared M3.9_E Wellington seismic event.And today,We witness to M5.0 env event for Seddon region

  7. Dataset signed to env of Dec25 for big magnitude events.Today,we are observing M5.6 event for SE Fiji with M6.0 env for Tinogasta region

  8. Dataset signed to env of Dec30 for big magnitude events.Today,we witness

    M5.5>S Pagudpud
    M5.5>La Serena Trench
    M5.5>La Serena Trench

    Be safe everyone...

    1. MeWe Platform Informations before LaSerena Trench Developments;

      M4.5-E Vallenar,Dec12
      Vallenar Trench,Dec12

      Illapel Trench,Dec15
      M4.1-S Vallenar,Dec23
      M4.3-VinadelMar Trench,Dec26

  9. Dataset showed serious indicator condition intermsof big magnitude events.Thus;

    M6.2_El Salvador Trench,

    You will evaluate MeWe Platform Informations of Dec24,Dec27 and Jan5

    1. Nextday,observing seismic event M7.0 env for E Tingri

  10. M6.1_Ostula Region Seismic Event;

    Caused a focus condition to region "Zihuatanejo and Lazaro Cardenas events of Jan3" especially after NW PicodeTancitaro_M4.2 and Acapulco Province events of Dec29.And next,I sign developments about Acapulco Trench Zone of Jan9.Yes,I mean that region noted among potential fields about big seismic expectation geographies.And today,I witness to M6.0 env event for Ostula Region(By the way,I predict sensed similar conditions of MeWe platform followers)

    1. Also,I must say expressed potential a condition of dataset during checks

  11. M6.8_Miyazaki Opening Zone;

    Expressing a role of important development on planetary configurations especially

  12. M6.0_NE Tainan;

    Expressing with other envs big potential for short period relatively of planetary dataset especially.But,almost fixed big seismic event potential on unpredictable solar development of neartime.In the other hand,MeWe platform followers will perceive a differentiation for region M4.2_NE Taitung development of Jan16 with M4.3_SE Hengchun development of Jan10

  13. Hiuchi Volcanic Region(Big Magnitude Events)

    I predict remembered a pre-information about developments of MeWe platform followers after big magnitude seismic developments of Hiuchi Volcanic Province.Also,another example based on big magnitude progresses for volcanic regions

  14. Dataset focused to env of Jan28 for big magnitude events.And we witness some developments as M>5.5 with M6.0 env event of Gisborne Subduction

    Be safe everyone...

    1. M6.0 env-Gisborne Subduction Event;

      MeWe Platform followers evaluate some developments on news of Jan18,Jan19 and Jan26

    2. Nextday,I observe M6.0 env event for N Mautang

  15. I was took notes about selective possibility of big magnitude events for env of Feb7 on Dataset;
    >M5.8_N Keeling Isls
    >M6.0_FarS Tonga

  16. M7.6_Cayman Isls Tectonic Zone;

    Very thanks specifically to informations by WE3EN.So,I cite a critic condition of dataset as a whole.And,MeWe platform followers evaluate that I shared M4.3 event information of lastday.I hope that satisfying needs of some envs

  17. M5.9_PortVila Trench Event,

    MeWe platform followers will evaluate about critic conditions PortVila Trench Zone Information of Feb9

  18. M5.8_Chignik Trench-Feb14
    M5.7_SW Ortolyk-Feb15
    M6.0_Fantale Province-Feb15

    I sign interesting condition about some solar news.Thus,no any problems by my dataset

  19. M5.7_E Ceram Isl
    I remember M4.3_Ceramsea Collision Zone information of Feb10 via MeWe Platform

  20. Bougainville Trench Developments
    M6.0_SantaCruz Isls Trench

    I noted as predictible big seismic events on dataset

    1. Also,I observe M5.9 report for Punta Cana Tectonic Zone

    2. M6.2_offshore Kotamobagu;
      I will cite to interesting condition of last solar progress especially.In the other hand,I remind M4.2 offshore Kotamobagu information of lastday via MeWe platform

    3. M5.8_Mie Trench;
      Developments are really amazing!!!This solar progress must investigate.Similarly,I remember informations of Feb 18 and 21 via MeWe platform

    4. M5.8_NW Bering Isl;
      I must say that we are witnessing to exteptional a period since Feb24 as a routine seismic observer.

  21. M5.5_offshore SalinaCruz;
    I express as ordinary condition by dataset.Also,I sign some informations via MeWe Platform;
    Feb27>NWestern Tapachula
    Feb28>Tapachula Trench
    March2>Tapachula Trench
    March4>Tonala Trench

  22. M6.1_E Antofagasta;
    I interest to role of planetary configuration especially.Among informations of Mewe Plaform for this event;

    March1_SE VinadelMar_M4.1


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