Subject big errors about sensing micropressure differentiations based on wave propagation!!!!You will find clear informations for solution about chapter via blog information

There are important developments as a conclusion  of big efforts about micropressure differentiations caused of wave propagation inner Earth.But,emphasizing to error conds due to a issue as approprite focusing to some critic chapters.

Efforts as add sensor applications  for this aim are for catching multiparametric a advantage as evaluated.But,always a success is not subject.At this point,For arrival time surface of wave propagation inner earth-sourced I seriously cite to role of focusing a methology development based on comparison considering  'radial geometry chapters' with 'same topographic elevation chapters' at stations😐

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer


  1. In this mean,my solution for 'topographic elevation chapters' is easy drilling operations considering mean drilling levels👍


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