Clues of my approach for Earthquake predictions based on planetary linearities

 Old followers remember that I expressed a issue about earthquake predictions of sinusoidal approach based on planetary linearities via open source capabilities😐Where,I will detail clues as approach of this type projection;

Ratio Method:

You will use  a easy ratio methodology...Understanding 2x times periodicity on x cycle until 'same reference linearity position date!'considering Moon-Earth linearities as a whole(1 cycle 2 times)👍So,You will produce a periodic time series shaped of 2x considering unit amplitude on your date range...At this point,other examples are similar approch of planets from Mercury to Saturn...For example,Understanding 4y times periodicity on y cycle until 'same reference linearity position date!' of Sun-Mercury-Earth linearity for Mercury(1 cycle 4 times)👍So,You will produce a periodic time series shaped of 4y considering unit amplitude on your date range.You are right!Mercury approach is applying as direct for far planets🤚

Other critic point as last,handling by fartest satellite Neptune to your all time projection range(Because,expressing as widest timerange for catching same positional linearity on reference day)

As conclusion, you will carry-out unit amplitude periodicity columns of same timerange as similar experiment 'sum of periodic different frequencies of waveform'  known via Fourier Transform.

You are right!such a columnar unit amplitude periodicity plotting is requiring serious opensource coding background😐

I will wait to precious replies on  experiments  of communities related...

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer


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