Focus detections as Geophysical!!!(Especially,I suggest for discoveries of Geoenvironments)

This blog will summary about focus location descriptions evaluated  at Turkey Geography  as Geophysical ...first evaluations are Source Provinces on Thermal and related origin;

Balgoze Province/Merzifon_AMASYA 
Kizilagil Province_BOLU
Kizilyer Province/HONAZ_DENIZLI
Yesilpinar Province/Hekimhan_MALATYA 
Saribasak Province/KARAKOCAN_ELAZIG 
Sarikamis Province/GULLUCE_KARS
Saricicek Province/KARAYAZI_ERZURUM 
Bulutpinar Province/TUTAK_AGRI
Turgut Province/ULA_MUGLA
Karakaya Province/SOKE_AYDIN
Ulas Province/MILAS_MUGLA
Gokbel Province/MANISA
Cepnidere Province/TURGUTLU_MANISA
Sancakliuzuncinar Province/MANISA
Dumlu Province/CEYHAN_ADANA
Ugurkoy Province/ILIC_ERZINCAN
Ozalp Province/VAN

IMPORTANT NOTE.I emphasize to dominant structure of volatile source mechanisms for this provinces on individual experiments 


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