Qgis solution for NDVI and about filepaths of tif files
You know that subject access to .TIF files via some filepaths.In this mean,I shared a NDVI application;
This time,I will present about NDVI presentation via Qgis solution;
*You must download B4.tif&B5.tif files via filepath.Where,I only expressed as snapshots;
This time,I will present about NDVI presentation via Qgis solution;
*You must download B4.tif&B5.tif files via filepath.Where,I only expressed as snapshots;
And next,Using Raster Calculator for NDVI calculation with exporting to layers of this files;
You will see a NDVI activation into layers after OK at Raster Calculator!!!I present about a summary of settings required for Symbology with Right click over this layer;
NDVI Condition between 6/16,2017 and 6/29,2017 for NE of Fresno with OpenstreetMap solution of Qgis;
Yorum Gönder