Solutions chapter about some Geologic Discoveries or Earthquake Events on a line based on Moon Reference
Solutions chapter about some Geologic Discoveries or Earthquake Events on a line based on Moon Reference is among focalpoints via establishing to easy but very effective solutions...Where,a example shortly is aiming a informing about trueness of approach;
Shortly,As catching to a relation of ~two equal event distance as paralel to time interval via using to big advantages of Lunar Calendar as my focal parameters can summary.A example;
I realised a analyis for 7/2019 and 8/2019(By the way,thanks for USGS querying capabilities).Thus,
19/7/2019---->M5.3 Magoula/ATTICA,GRE
31/7/2019---->M6.6 Lakataro Region/VANUATU
1/8/2019----->M6.8 San Antonio/CHILE
As having a systematic into Last Month is interesting...So,You will evaluate that
I mean about role of catching to two event as time and distance based on Lunar Calendar.Thus,a information about location solution of San Antonio event can understand(Note:Where,~a ten days condition as date is not subject(realised a ~M7.0 environment as another day is subject!!!)
My principle by considering to time and distance concept;
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