10000km distance rule a orthogonal effect have explained!!!
A issue among most wondered chapters of Google Earth users is subject.Orthogonality problem at reference point of second circle for maximum circle drawings as 10000km radius with circle option via ruler option!!!This explanation paper not only for this problem also about establishing to how 10000km distance route a orthogonal point thus good information will present...User with this explanation;
- Role of Quarter Route Using as 10000km distance
- A good information about how efficiently using to circle option with Produced Quarter Route will learn
Also,explanation will light to users for some applications...
Firstly,schematic expression which will be a reference for application steps;
My focal point is (30S,140E)
Beta=arctan(1.571)=57.5 degree
Alfa=arctan(-7)=-81.8 degree means 81.8 degree as trigonometric
Firstly,pining to focal point at Google Earth;
Important Note:Where,expressed x plain is Equatorial Plain Referenced.Measurements thus will consider(So,you should be inform about orthogonal angle standarts for drawing based on directions by Equatorial Plain of Google Earth).After note,other steps are applicable;
Where,A Beta angle as opposite to time cursor by horizontal axis is carrying-out.
Second step that establishing to opposite angle to time cursor as orthogonal to Beta point;
After this steps,final step is more easy;
Note:Where,white route ~10000km!!!(quarter)
Some users after this point will understand about caused to how a problem of only circle option😊After thispoint,We will use as relax to circle option for future steps;
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