A M6.0 environment event for Denizli Region of Turkey and other events that very interested

A M6.0 environment event for Denizli Region of Turkey and other events that very interested.Conclusions on a detailed analysis of  cause of event as Geophysics are presenting.Where,

-Patern distribution of Events
-Analysis of Period Structure of Earthquake on AudioVisual News

specificiations that confirming to cause mechanism!!!

Analysis on imagethrusting of some geology maps;

two NE-SW directed structure with point distribution quite interesting;

Other data example is fixing about this structures with point distribution(Also,informing about Geology);

And,I established a relief map about region which caused  to conclusions as very coreated with point distribution;

Evaluation as objective with conclusion as a whole of all this data is fixing;

Reference point among my analysis have signed to Oligo-Miocene  Molasse Basin!!!


Evaluation as a whole of event paterns that  corelated as very good with structural  signs as Molasse Basin constrained into Section.So,I mean that,

Note.Where,excluding to Geologic names quite important...Only,tectonic signs as Molasse basin constrained with a subduction type mechanism must consider...Thus,I concluded that you will understand to caused to M6.0 environment of a thrusting mecanism as Moho caused and next evaluating as effects to other tectonic contacts of movements of Moho of other events(Note:I will continue to supplying to Geologic Works).


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