Explanations referencing my some experiments about modelling of selective seismic development times on now above the horizon(Sun,moon and planets) apk
This apk is easy as common but really amazing as some specifications.At this point,You can discuss evaluations in parallel your experiments about selective seismic events by daily checks based on observation.Where,as first,you can carry-out a correlation on apk referencing position by your horizon of Moon.And,as evaluated,you will discuss analysis via horizon apk for time/timeframes as a big magnitude or important developments sensing as regional.
At this point,I will wait your experiments,thanks for replies...
Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY
Note.Horizonal projection based on planetary relationship for Seismic Observers is another technic.Where,especially I remind that about achieved to how a displacement of far planets as Jupyter for short times as hourscale!!!Yes,you are right,geometry analysis by horizonal projection with Earth is expressing multiple conditions by geometry based on Sun on dayscale.
Thus,as a whole,experiments of experienced observers will be important😐
Thanks again...
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