My explanations via an example for problems about Various users' "Import gdal" compilation

 I can express an ordinary problem about gdal module of various person for geospatial mapping field.Where,main matter of users an error syntax as a conclusion of "import gdal" compilation😐

In the other hand,understanding commonly confusions about using gdal as a comparison with successful conclusions of a compilation as  "from osgeo import gdal" 😑

Thus,I approved explanation via an example.Firstly,we can observe examples of using as "import gdal" compilation.For example;

And,my compilation conclusions code as a whole(Note.Where,I focused an error chapter based on module.So,I didn't care disability conditions due to some external files of program);

Yes,you are right,I used "from osgeo import gdal" instead of "import gdal"!!!Thus,I will suggest that you must have satisfying module installation capabilities based on gdal and libraries referecing my experiments for geospatial mapping field👍

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY


datalink for lc_h17v03.tif;


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