Other role based on landworks of drone systems

You know to classic Batholith/Pluton-Sill-Laccolith-Dyke literature of geology.You will evaluate outcrop layer/s and surface mass/es  expressing similar characteristics among most selective structures detecting via land observations on this literature.In this point,I sign to confusions for mechanism determination of surface mass/es expressing similar characteristics especially...So,I mean that evaluating as  sign of some activities of our ancient ancestors very local rock cumulations of various people is not absolute for all condition!!!And next,I cite to role of handling on  a land concept including macroscale relatively of such rock cumulations.You are right,at this point,I sign a cond as focusing to surface geometry😐For this aim,I emphasize to summaried perfect a role of drone solutions considering actual technologic devs👍With this conclusion,understanding clearly advantages of land informations including bigger surface scale  instead of evaluations causing to big error ratio on reference  of very local determinations as visual👍

Thanks...Thus,I will wait replies of geoenvs related

Ekrem Erkuş

Geophysics Engineer

Update 7/13:

For some informations about drone specifications;

(88) Test Terbang CFly Faith2 S Drone 4 Jutaan 4K 3 Axis Gimbal 😁👍 - YouTube

(91) Drone Alırken Nelere Dikkat Edilimeli? Drone Nasıl Seçilir? - YouTube


(89) DJI MİNİ 2 NEDEN ALDIM ? ALINIR MI ? Phantom 4 advanced karşılaştırma - YouTube

(89) En kritik soru; DJI Mini 3 Pro Kaç Metre Uçabildi? Menzil Testi ( Range Test )! - YouTube

(89) DJI Mavic Mini | Akıllı Uçuş Modları [Dronie,Rocket,Circle,Helix] - YouTube


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