Ocak, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
I carry-out short but effective explanation of other reality unspoken about Earthquake chapter
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If we handle considering two block model important tectonic structures at World,realised of a 'friction movement' on high velocities relatively at upper zone effected of heat source Inner Earth,next,summarying caused a 'energy discharge' evolving a friction movement "more mechanic" against to conds as heat decreasing of this friction movement Image Snapshot:Suspicious Observers I will wait valuable replies on experiments of communities related. Thanks,best regards Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer Update 2/1: By the way,I must express a 'key role' of focusing big earthquake occurrences related to big cooling periods after big heating of Inner Earth...In this mean,understanding a cond. as important impulse to efforts about big earthquakes of conclusions produced of different disciplines as statistical👍 You are right!As evaluated of some geoenvironments,determining heating-cooling cycles of Inner Earth thus I underline of a "methodology" s...
Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions
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1/28_Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)
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What's going on?
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I signed via MeWe platform to selective seismicity conds of region summarying as Raoul,Macauley,Giggenbach and Havre Seamount(Where,framed selective developments as Havre Seamount Region on neartime).These developments observing for ~ Middle part of NZ Trench that this time is presenting important developments for East Trench Zone of region
Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions
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I interested Neiafu Region for Jan 25&26 via MeWe Platform...Next,I observe a M6.0 env. event
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Subject seismic news as supplementary some expressions summaried a "impact stru." about N of Jampea Isl.
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1/27_Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)
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