Mechanism expressed for apprx. N of Negotino


Emphasizing to 'fault void' developed at environment zone of a fault structure  considering geologic characteristics of region with sensing patern... void cumulation on hydraulic flow systems progressed  for this void province that causing to  such a sensing with  heat increment process  developed at inner earth...We can express as maybe more important that about critic information established  on hydrogeologic system structure of region based on hydraulic type progress mechanism;

I emphasize mountain provinces of region on Hydraulic flow structure...Thus,summarying  a 'siphon type mechanism'  with Atmospheric Pressure conditions for such a hydraulic flow as a discharge mechanism;

Note.some mountain parts analysed on a fast check  via Google Earth thus supplying system expressed with selective some morphologic elements👍In the other hand,confirming this thesis based on precipitation chapters as season...So,mechanism triggered full reservoir for a mid-zone is expressing as  a seasonal pressure effect👍

You are right!!! I emphasize inability of a hydraulic flow style by only precipitation parameter for carrying  apprx. full reservoir specfications of a fault void  structure based on characteristics of Hydraulic Flow;

Example presentation summary weakness against to saturation condition required to fault void of hydraulic flow sytle of hydrogeologic units by only atmospheric feeding conditions.On this conclusion,proving effect caused with atmospheric pressure conditions of siphon type structures considering hydromechanic characteristics  for conditions of hydraulic flow effected to fault void👌

You are right!I especially underline a triggering role at siphon type structures of selective atmospheric pressure anomalies.

In the other hand,example presentation summaries weird development condition of hydrogeologic characteristics of geologic layers on topographic direction by Sun.For example,as presenting same hydrogeologic inclination  characteristics with other part of hydrogeologic structure at basin part of a mount pick👌By the way,I remembered a matter among big discussion chapters.Shortly,man-made plantation projects for fields determined based on hydrogeologic inclination characteristics!!!Unfortunately,subject a approach excepted to hydrogeologic conditions of man-made plantation projects.For example,handling at hydrogeologic inclination zones of water-prone plantations that expressing  negative  conditions as hydrogeologic chapters as evaluated.Thus,establishing by minimal plantations based on water need of man-made plantation projects are including more advantages on total value.


Realised Lake Mavrova M5.0 event at apprx. SW part of  central region.

**This condition is fixing tectonic structure of Lake👍**

There are not any informations about aftershock type developments after such a magnitude for lake basin on latest checks!!!This condtion is summarying subsided of 'important a fault void  structure ' at basement of lake 

Other day,I observed some event informations included M3-M4 environments. Evaluations about this events(based on event values&distributions) are summarying as  supplementary  data subsidence phenomena at 'important a void province'👍I especially express seriously sensed on settlements as Skopje and Tiran of effects caused of this void subsidence phenomena!!!(Thus,I emphasize to dimensions as physical of void structure)

11/13 Update:

Expressed 'subsiding of important a void  structure' chapter as related to Lakebed province after Mavrova Lake event.Next,evaluations on two event information at near provinces based on dayscale caused development of a model;

As evaluated,handled a follow phase considering  posibility triggering earthquakes at near regions of two event information(If,realising a earthquake,a void structure as expeessed at Mavrova Lake region thus understanding👍)
In this mean,a information as 11/13 referenced!!!!!

You are right!So,understanding subsided of 'a important void structure'  as similar Mavrova region at Peshkopi province👍

As evaluated by conclusions,emphasizing a important Karstic Structure Morphology between Peshkopi and Mavrova regions
