some suggestions based on opensourced softwares via considering needs of Geoenvironments for internet publishes

 I  especially emphasize to importance of a increment as value for Geologic Modelling Applications included examples on transform to vtk type file formats for presentation at Kitware-Paraview Platform.We can express on  efforts of Geoenvionments based on opensource software that about catched  important horizons of standart users for module environments as vtk-steno3d-qgrid-pymc and gempy!!!Also, expressing serious installation  problems about  opengeostat-pygslib with especially PyVista for Geoenvironments  

A update:

I share information about solutioned with Jupyter Lab procedure via Anaconda Prompt(anaconda3.7) of some problems about PyVista(I will inform on a example into neartime).In the other hand,I observed negative condition for opengeostat-pygslib of same routine(I will focus for different routines).

I compiled example  on lithologic a concept handled for multiwell provinces of PyVista...source page for input data;

We can starting to code on jupyter lab console with transfer of input data  based on target folder after module installation expressed of PyVista...snapshots of code as a whole;


Note.I observe produced a output message of vtk format among vtk and vtu file formats produced for Kitware Paraview!!!


Presentation for vtu format;


I think about a question mark condition at related code part for elevsurf.vtk file...Thus,I will wait about solution suggestions on your experiments.Thanks.

conclusion of installation about Pygslib module:successful!!!Thus,snapshots of a application;

In the other hand,established some snapshots about file produced for paraview;

Link for demo .csv files:


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