actual example about triggering to Small Earthquakes of Big Earthquakes(Also, carried-out a clear explanation by actual development about causing to Earthquakes of Volcanism type developments)

Hello everyone...You know that express a hierarchic relation condition about triggering to shallow and small magnitudes as a source of Deep and Big Magnitudes.Thus,I light to you about  condition based on actual a detection;

I catched to tangential a  relation of four event during my evaluations with analysis software.Where;

M4.3    Şaravan-GILAN,Feb 12
M6.9    Kuril Islands/RUSSIA,Feb 13
M4.8    Kerpe Island,Feb 14
M5.2    KYRGYZSTAN,Feb 15

You  will evaluate that tangential relation condition of four event.And I especially focalised to three event;

And next,evaluated with Google Earth to radius values  of this circles;

Thus,I concluded that

32 degree for M6.0 Environments
16 degree for M5.0 Environments
8  degree for M4.0 Environments

You are right!!! extracting a central measurement as 4 degree for M3.0 environments.

Şaravan M4.0 environment event is presenting a incompatible condition by time based on biggest event...I will wait to your solution about this paradox condition.So,I will wait to some ideas about different a role of this event based on triggering mechanism


Ekrem Erkuş

By the way,I carried-out a clear explanation by actual development about causing to Earthquakes of Volcanism type developments;

Note:Really,I am not knowing to detailed informations about how considered for big earthquake prediction studies to radiative power data of Mirova.But,I evaluate about big role for big earthquake prediction studies of this data.

My MeWe followers remember that I shared to extreme radiative power news as related to M6.9 event...And,I alerted as a note;

I processed via Google Earth to this volcanim locations...(Note.I disabled to Red,Green and Yellow Circles for more clear sensing);

You evaluate that first two snapshot region under same characteristics based on circle dimensions!!!(So,we understand to light blue circle with central point condition of Africa Volcanisms for first snapshot.Similarly,We will see to information of two volcanism field for second snapshot!!!!!(I am not knowing to policy about public data sharing of Mirova.But,I evaluate to some problems about presenting as a whole to radiative power data with some causes.In this mean,I established a determination by my experimental information background for third volcanism region.I fixed to New Britain-Bismarck Sea Region as a conclusion of this analysis process)In this conclusion,I produced to big circle under same radius characteristics as first image.You will see for Secondary image that M6.9 event is into a central region of two volcanism event...under similar approach,central location based on other two volcanism of secondary image is a Earthquake Zone)

(This thesis supplied with regional seismicity information) 

This time,I applied for first image to small circle experiments for secondary image...So,We will establish a description of two Eartquake Province...Lower circle centre confirmed by Regional Seismicity Data;

I have not observed a implication by Regional Seismicity Data for upper circle centre!!!!!

Where,I think about considering of  some issues for such a condition 

Again I return to third snapshot...Where, I am not observing to radiative power news based on continental scale!!!!!Thus,I think about caused conditions of some causes 

I will wait about your ideas



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