about ASTRA(All Scale Tomographic Reconstruction Antwerp) Application
You know that subject toolbox package as very interesting for Computed Tomography(CT) field of Astra.As short definition,you will evaluate to 2D and 3D algorithms included to FBP,SIRT,SART and CGLS.Basic forward and backward projeciton operations that showing a structure accelerated with Graphic Processing Unit.Also,establishing callable a structure as direct!!!
Carried-out compilation of a code axample with Astra...Conclusions are perfect!
Firstly,I present to technic information page about basic principles of chapter;
Where,we will produce a phantom via numpy and next,
create a reconstuction by considering to SIRT algebraic algorithm via producing a sinogram with establishing geometries and projector by Astra
Note.I evaluate to requirement of add information for installation of Astra and Imageio modules under Jupyter Notebook.Thus,installation snapshots;
A snapshot summaried to graphical conclusions with compilation of code also established;
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