foF2 map,corelation condition of latest earthquake events based on electric quakes.Also,interesting relation about Eastern Turkey event
We are living under a dense period of solar effects by January 24,2020 reference...Thus,I wondered to relation condition with actual earthquakes of ionospheric foF2 map(You know that this type data are useful for Electricquakes).And,I carried out a comparison with presented earthquakes via MeWe platform for January 24,2020;
reference ionospheric foF2 Map
Summary with actual arthquakes of processed foF2 Map;
Conclusion.You will evaluate to big corelation with earthquake locations of boundary region
Also,for a pdf source infomation;
During preparing to this blog,I took a big magnitude news for Eastern Turkey!!!And, I again controlled to foF2 Map...Where,I catched a orthogonal relation based on two anomaly location;
So,you will intersect to Eastern Turkey event location based on this orthogonal relation!!!My projection summary;
And,another day I observe a corelated earthquake condition;
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