latest earthquakes showed to problematic nature of some ground regions...Thus,about a stunning region
Eastern Turkey event with Earthquake events of last times evaluated as a whole...Thus,main chapter is realised shaking effects for far fields from Epicentral Region of Earthquakes!!!
This condition for Geophysicists is expressing to extraordinary a nature based on chapters as sedimentary layer thickness at progressed this regions of seismic shock waves.
In this mean,effected perception into only epicentral region of Earthquake for irrevelant socities thus changing...
I summaried to this type regions via MeWe Platform after Eastern Turkey event;
Eastern Turkey event with Earthquake events of last times evaluated as a whole...Thus,main chapter is realised shaking effects for far fields from Epicentral Region of Earthquakes!!!
This condition for Geophysicists is expressing to extraordinary a nature based on chapters as sedimentary layer thickness at progressed this regions of seismic shock waves.
In this mean,effected perception into only epicentral region of Earthquake for irrevelant socities thus changing...
I summaried to this type regions via MeWe Platform after Eastern Turkey event;
By the way,also,you will perceive a development condition based on Italy region event(Europe region shaking news!!!)
Another day,we still can witness to period of seismic shockwaves;
Note.I can express among maybe most interesting determinations into this timeframe that quiet condition by shaking specifications of Elazığ City frame...This condition is among focal points for Geophysicists!!!!!!!
I have not any informations based on settlement history of region.So,I am not knowing a information about how determined for settlement of region based on a conscious.But,I absolutely can say that presenting a city frame as quite sample by modern urbanisation principles...Thus,I will wait for your appreciated replies
Again thanks...
Ekrem Erkuş
continuing summaried conditions to weird nature of ground of seismic shock waves based on characteristics as Earthquake magnitude and distance...Thus,two example;
January 2019_28,Update(shaking news continuing);
We still live reflected 'weird period' to problematic nature of ground of Seismic shock waves;
As a supplementary with my experiments,I especially suggest that extending of settlement for Turgutlu(S region) is problematic
And another locations news;
Summaried locations to weird ground conditions for America continent region;
Developments at Turkey region;
And selective shaking news for Balkan Region...Especially I interest for Podgoritsa,Tiran,Elbasan,Gütenbach regions;
Period is still continuing...Thus,locations;
Shaking news_continuing!!!Selective locations;
**Note.Regions to identified as especially extreme of weird nature of ground based on seismic shock waves_Bucuresti,Chişinau,Laşi**
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
**Note.Regions to identified as especially extreme of weird nature of ground based on seismic shock waves**
Weird shaking news are continuing
(Especially,S Island part of Bali Island is very selective!!!);
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Latest shaking news that showed to realities of some settlements about far NW Africa Region. In this mean,
are most selective settlements by reflecting as most powerful to weird nature of ground based on seismic shock waves. By similar concept,Marrakech as ground is among good settlements.A summary with other locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
Shaking news!!!Selective locations;
**Selective descriptions of weird ground conditions reflected of seismic shock waves !!!Thus,especially Brest region is very focal.Expressing Jigel&Duquesne as other focal localities...For summaries as a whole;**
As conclusion of a event based on similar distances to #Tasikmalaya& #Bandung thus I underline to ground characteristics as Geophysics of #Bandung(Capital city of #WestJava part of Indonesia).Also,my another region descriptions;
#Arequipa _ related districts
#Lapaz _ related district
#Jijel _ related districts
Also,other locations as summary;
**Selective descriptions of weird ground conditions reflected of seismic shock waves !!!**
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