Clear Informations about Anaconda
I absolutely can express to experiment progress for Python users...So,I emphasize to impossible of positive role of informing to first users from a level as Anaconda as direct.Thus,understanding to modular programming structure via 2.x type architecture of Python of first users and shaping to sotfware logic by console&compiling characteristics with principle examples are requiring.After this phase,I suggest a experiment step by 3.x type architecture of Python.Where,user will experience to caused some capabilities of 64-bit architecture with different conditions for module installation based on first experiment...Also,I can say that user will reach to using capability as more relax based on application options into wide-range to python by vocational and interest fields.Sensing to manual disabilities for modular installation structure of user as maybe most focal point into second phase and thus,predicting progress to developed solutions can summary as realised step for third phase...
Experienced Python Users know some problems about installation and compiling of some modules!!!
At this point,Anaconda is listing to user to module solutions as a whole.So,Users are not spending special manual efforts for some complex module structures.Also,Experienced Python Users know that some modules are not compiling under standart python console.Anaconda package thus come with two powerful consol structure as Spyder and Jupyter Notebook;
Example presentations for two consol structure with some presentations as supplementary to explanations;
Anaconda has to install procedure as Scripts folder referenced as same Python 3.x.Where,I summary to differents of Anaconda by conda expression
Note:Experienced users know that Cartopy module presents a condition under expressed "complex module structure"which expresses as a procedure as time consuming as manual for users.Thus,presentation is informing about this condition.
And next,I checked to module...
Also,Anaconda has to module installation via classic "pip install..." procedure.For example;
And,module conclusion;
Another example,installation via conda procedure for netCDF4 module and control;
You remember that I expressed about compilation problems with presented console via standart python package of some modules into blog.For example,I can summary to pyvista with qgrid as required for gempy.By the way,experienced users will remember that manaul installation efforts for theano!!!Thus,Anaconda experiment shows to condition among came sub-packages of theano with conda installation procedure(This type conditions are among detected events of experienced users).
Console Examples;
I would like to present two example based on two console structure with Anaconda package;
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