Mechanism of Weird Seismic Events for Mid-Asia Geography,Role as Supplementary&Complementary of My expressed thesis and others...
Detected seismic condition as out of standart for Mid-Asia Geography...Similarly,I can express to same condition for Aleutian Trench Geography;
Thus,I concluded about role for a 10000 analysis into globescale.By this analysis,Talas-Fergana Transform Boundary events with Main Pamir Thrust are signing a Geophysical Phenomena as a whole.
Iceland&Reunion as my reference points during analysis corelated by actual news!!!This information can summary as supplementary&complementary to my expressed thesis about Iceland Geopgraphy-Mayotte Geography-Philipines Geopgraphy-Hawaii Geopgraphy-Antarctica Geography and SudAmerica Geography as maybe more important.
In this conclusion,I see under a hotspot locationto Talas-Fergana Transform Boundary events with Main Pamir Thrust!!!
You will evaluate that eight sunspot point thus subject.And next,other descriptions which among owners to tectonic structure ;
Aleurtian Trench
Antarctica-Nazca-Pacific Plate Triple Junction Region
Antarctica-Africa-SudAmerica Triple Junction Region
Conclusion of this experiment
This hotspot regions thus causing to important earthquakes by a mechanism at knowed locations as tectonic
Structure of projection as frame about Hotspots;
You know that some Earthquakes are expressing as quite weird...Thus, I especially evaluate by this mechanism to realised Earthquake events for W of Australia with NewMadrid Seismic Zone
By the way,A link about caused to How a effect of NewMadrid Seismic Zone;
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