Explanations about Electroquake Mechanism based on EM theory...(clear explanation based on Example application)

I express to condition via Regional Earthquake Events into actual times...Thus also,I will establish to good informations for my readers about required conditions for Electroquake mechanism with example.You know that I shared;


this event are showing as extremely good to Electroquakes as a regional earthquake event.In this base,my mechanism explanation;

 I shortly say as Astenospheric Development Model for this mechanism(You will evaluate different parts are subject...I will explain thus about other parts into neartimes).Where,We are understanding to presented a structure into multicomponent of mechanism.Some chapters into Presentation maybe expressing as special will be important.For example,A curve structure over Conductive Geologic Province which as expressing a important Weather transition zone of Rhodope Geologic Province.Thus,You will understand that Conductive Weather boundary based on Globe at Aegean Region has to  more low horizon by The Balkans!!! Thus,I catched some atmospheric data into timeframe of event;

You will evaluate that especilly third presentation has to big corelation by locations of The Balkan Earthquakes!!!This condition is supplying to my mehanism explanation(such fix a condition for Aegean Earthquake  is not understanding.But,A "nearsurface conductive weather" event by my mechanism explanation is subject!!!

You are right!!!Where,a important role of Atmospheric locations by a electrical circuit structure is understanding.If,this structure is not developing,Earthquake is not realising!!!At this point,I would like to reminding that Astenospheric structure development!!!(Because,circle Earthquake patern clearly shows to reality of a "Astenospheric Development").Also,in this concept,centre contour of Astenospheric Development is have to interaction with root zone of Geologic Province which among maybe most important chapters.As summary,contact conditions as either Atmospheric and Astenospheric as Conductive Geologic Province must be established!!!

Note:This explanations are not only for Earthquakes also for chapters as understanding to some Weather Systems thus can evaluate as big reference(role at this area of some geologic provinces is among examples)

In conclusion,realised earthquakes at Samos(Sisam as Turkish Transliteration) Island are  clearly expression of a conductor motion based on mechanism presentation.So,this means a Fault Structure.Thus,My fault structure explanation confirmed via evaluations of different Earthquake Authorities.Next,Electroquake thesis is confirming!!!By the way,reality of fault structures by conductor motion as similar for The Balkans Region is understanding



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