Destructive Magnitude Centres and Volcanodiscoveries
You know my blog information;
This time,I evaluated on M6.4 event;
A 10000km Radius that explosive as Hawaii.Next,a 10000km Radius(green curve) from this point is wondering...(So,I am not considering M6.4 event that a destructive magnitude centre).On Green curve,Iceland that my other explosive centre(I considered!!!)
Thus,desctructive magnitude points with other volcanodiscoveries;
Destructive Magnitude Centres;-SolomonSea Region
-Tashkooh Fire Springs
-Kansas_Oklahoma Boundary Region(Note:Three Yellow pin that expressing to Last Seismic Events)
-SSandwich Trench Region
-Pitcairn Islands Region
-Ter Tholen Fracture Zone Region
-Balley Islands(NZ) Region
-S Hainan Coast Region
-Luiana National Park Region
-Laguna District between Cusco and Arequipa
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