Caused Eartquakes to Amazing Hazard as Mechanic

Chapter:How realising Big Earthquakes by Astrogeophysics concept

#not effected as direct of Solar CMEs#

Especially,triple linear sequences with similar planets to our Earth as core structure as Saturn,Jupiter bring important gravitational disturbances.In this conclusion,causing to big Earthquake events.

Schematic presentation as more understandable is presenting
Shortly,You see mechanism as cause to Big Mechanic Damages.Into last centrury;

1908,December 28_Messina/ITALY

Very Important Solar Storm Event by Sun  which causing to gravitational a disturbance on Linearity of Jupiter-Earth-Saturn as a conclusion of effecting on Saturn or Jupiter.
 1923,September 1_Tokyo/JAPAN
 M8.3 event that caused of Effect to Mercury of CME a gravitational disturbance.You see Mercury-Earth-Uranus Linearity.And,about core structure of Mercury

 2010,January 12_HAITI

M7.3 event that caused of Effect to Jupiter of CME a gravitational disturbance.You see Mars-Earth-Jupiter Linearity.


1935,May 31 Quetta/PAKISTAN

Event that a conclusion of effecting to Saturn of  Powerful Solar Impact.Gravitational Disturbance on Mars-Earth-Saturn linearity causing Quetta Event.
1939,January 24 Conception/CHILE
about effected to which Planet of CME for this event some issues are possible.(So,You see Uranus-Saturn and Jupiter linearity.Where,Gravitational Disturbance Effect on Saturn effected Neptune-Earth-Saturn Stability)
For Inner Composition of Uranus

 Swarm events among questioned chapters as quite dense.For this;
So,this type events that expressing to reflection of  effects on Earth of CME.
1939,December 26 Erzincan/TURKEY
 Where,There are some possibilities on Gravitational Stability of Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus.Or,a effect to Mars
 that are effects as possible to Earth-Mars-Jupiter gravitational stability 
 1960,February 29 Agadir/MOROCCO
A conclusion of CME effect on Venus that effecting to Venus-Earth-Uranus Gravitational Stability.
 1970,May 30 Chimbote/PERU
 You see that this event a conclusion of Earth-Mercury-Saturn linearity.So,CME effected to Mercury or Saturn as most possible;
and Mercury Structure;
 1976,July 27 Tien Shan/Section of CHINA
Saying as Tanri as Turkish pronunciation.Tien Shan Mountains that including to quite wide-area.A mechanic hazard as quite big for section of CHINA have realised on which still ever that producing  to  most big casualty is expressing;
Where,not only one also there are some possibilities(based on effected Planets of CME).So,Earth-Saturn line have effected that due to effecting  to Mars-Venus-Jupiter linearity as a conclusion of effecting to maybe Jupiter. 
 1976,February 4 GUATEMALA

You see that a conclusion of CME effect to Mercury or Saturn

1985,September 19 LE MEXIQUE
Where,Effected to Mars-Venus-Earth linearity on which some possibilities are understanding... 
You know Venus-Mercury-Saturn line or Saturn-Uranus-Neptune line.

1988,December 7 Spitak/ARMENIA
Caused CME effect to Gravitational Disturbance of Earth on Venus-Earth-Jupiter linearity that evaluating as Venus or Jupiter 
 1989,October 17 San Francisco/USA
 Where,conclusion of a effect as direct to Venus or Saturn of CME by Earth-Venus-Saturn linearity is understanding.
 1990,July 21 Rudbar/IRAN
 As cause,Saturn-Earth-Venus linearity quite interesting.CME thus affected to Venus or Saturn as most possible
  1995,January 17 Kobe/JAPAN
Cause of Mechanic Hazard shortly that Earth-Venus-Jupiter linearity.Causing to Gravitational Disturbance on line of Effected CME to Venus or Jupiter as most possible
1999,August 17 Big Marmara Earthquake/TURKEY

Expressing cause as Big Marmara Eartquake of event quite true.Having to some linearities as different from other examples for this event that among interesting points as first.Thus,noticing to different scenarios of CME or CMEs as possibilities
2004,December 26 Big India Ocean Earthquake
In fact,BIG expression as prenoun of all Earthquake Events under this chapter is absolutely True.
  •  Earth-Mercury-Venüs linearity
  • Jupiter-Venus-Uranus linearity
Where,as big possibility,CME for Venus or Mercury as interesting have realised.
 2008,May 12 Big Shichuan Earthquake
Saturn-Earth-Jupiter linearity for this event is important.Jupiter or effected type to Saturn-Mars-Mercury alignment of CME as possibility have evaluated.
2010,February 27 Big Maule Earthqueke/CHILE
 There are some linearities for this event  
Also,indirectly,Venus-Jupiter-Neptune Gravitational Disturbance on Saturn-Mercury-Jupiter linearity
thus triggering to Earth-Venus-Uranus Gravitational Disturbance 
 2011,March 11 Big Honshu Earthquake/JAPAN
for effected CME to Earth-Mercury-Jupiter linearity that two possibility
  1. Mercury
  2. Jupiter
are expressing
2015,April 25 Big Nepal Earthquake
Effected  possible CME conditions to Saturn-Earth-Venus linearity that caused to Gravitational Disturbance of Saturn-Earth-Venus  via Saturn as direct or to Venus via effecting to linear alignment for Blue or Red lines
And,I planned  a globe impact map on magnitudes type  for caused this earthquakes to amazing mechanic hazards for last century.Thus,I prepared a chart;
 This design that format structure of Python Program and on Google Earth Image thrusting quite important.
import numpy as np 
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf   
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
x = [15,29,39,44,49,67,82,83,101,103,135,138,139,238,261,270,282,287,288,289,351] 
y = [128,130,129,130,126,120,132,118,118,65,124,126,125,127,109,105,63,36,108,37,120] 
ti = np.linspace(0, 360.0, 180) 
XI, YI = np.meshgrid(ti, ti)   
rbf = Rbf(x, y, vp, function='inverse') 
ZI = rbf(XI, YI)
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) 
plt.pcolor(XI, YI, ZI,cmap=cm.jet) 
plt.scatter(x, y, 200, vp,cmap=cm.jet) 
plt.title('Evaluating to Mechanic Hazards for last century that on Magnitudes') 
plt.xlim(0, 360) 
plt.ylim(0, 180) 
 And,program output;
I will continue that for other steps "Earth Modelling for Geophysicists" .
Have a nice day!



We know that electron movement on heating at Subduction Zones which is effecting to Ionosphere.

Tide effect of Moon for zones as have to Subduction Structure as Taiwan Region that non-effective  as a conclusion of crust thickness.

Zones as have to Crust thinnes  as Aegean Region that effective due to tide effect of Moon



For zones as Taiwan that positive accumulation is characteristic as depth and big dimension.Thus,a important symptom for Ionosphere is realising.With this cause,Ionosphere for solution of big earthquakes at this type zones that  is establish to important indicator
Increasing of heat that  realising towards ground surface to  electron transfer for big field on dimensions.This condition that showing as identifiable at Ionosphere.At this type zones,thus Ionosphere for solution of big earthquakes is important indicator.But, tide effect of Moon that caused to important electron transfer due to thick structure of crust is not produce to required heat. Next,related with Moon on which  earthquakes under tide effect as source thus not identfying in Ionosphere or means that not producing to important a effect.


+ accumulation for Zones as Aegean is not establish a important indication for ionosphere due to this condition as a conclusion of characteristic on shallow and low percentage accumulation.with this cause,where small  earthquakes as Magnitude that producing to important hazards as mechanic  but to symptom for ionosphere is not understanding.
On dimensions of increasing of heat, A  electron transfer in small frame that thus realising towards Earth Surface.This condition have not to observing as identifiable at Ionosphere.At this type zones,thus,Ionosphere for solution of big Earthquakes is not a import indicator.Shorly,tide effect of Moon that caused to a important electron transfer due to thin structure of crust is not produce to required heat.Next,related with Moon on which  earthquakes under tide effect as source thus not identfying in Ionosphere but explaining to cause of feeling as power of small magntitude earthquake. I think that following to indicator gas concentration on thermal locations as most applicable solution for this type zone with tide observation is good solution.

By the way ,“Are you feeling to this Earthquake?” type questions  that shortly,important for establishing to qualitative information for thickness of crust structure on mean of tide effect of Moon

 Good Days...


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