Explanation about chapter of 5 period based on 60 years by Traditional China Calendar
You must attend to startdate,enddate and heavenly branch on wiki information;
Where,you will witness to same sub-type by 60 years.And,there is a changing for main group based on 12 years
At this point,we understand a transition from different type creature sub-type to fourth dragon type(wood dragon) by heavenly branch
Update 2/12:
365*60=21900~22000(this value is acquaintance for various environment)
You will remember a reference condition of 22000 years for last iceage glaciation!So,ancient fareast calendar by lunar principle has a role based on TEMPERATURE ANOMALIES👍
At this point,a publication;
Yes,I suggest researches about fareast lunar calendar literature for chapters related to this with temperature anomalies
Ekrem Erkuş
Geophysics Engineer
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