(application example detailed based on pysheds)*****
I compiled a .ipynb file based on Scripts folder via a folder produced at Desktop.
A summary for files of Output folder after compilation;
Input Data Link:
I know big efforts for determination of basins as watershed on some chapters of Geoengineers.So,example is expressing big functionality this geoenvironments for description of watershed basins(You will observe produced of watershed basin via how procedures for a region with this example).In this mean,I especially say special thanks to Mr.Montoya for presentation...
YanıtlaSilYou are right.Clearly understanding a condition related to code processes as a whole of chapter as evaluated of various geoenvironment experimented this efforts
YanıtlaSilI remember some experiments via Win7 platform of pysheds module...You are right!I summary problem about installation for Win7 of pyshed.Ubuntu for persons experienced similar problems thus good solution👍
YanıtlaSilI will suggest role of a installation stru. included either windows and ubuntu with this experiment👍
YanıtlaSilBy the way, clippedelevations.tif file produced at output folder has to important a dimension considering analysis with qgis👍