#Special Report#

Suggestions as Geophysicists about procedures handled for Geotechnic Drilling Application:


Considering to this condition with expressing to a region under seacoast of Calabria region on comparison at Abruzzo and Calabria regions of wave propagated from source is understanding with powerful amplitude characteristics as expected.Thus,we expect to showing a different structure than Calabria of Abruzzo Region with condition under "non-coastal region structure".But,we observe "same amplitude specifications" on a comparison of spectrogram records related to two region.You are right!!!Problematic nature of ground at L'Aquila THUS,SIGNING!!! In this mean,we advice as Geophysicits to considering for other locations via similar logic of drilling application aimed Geotechnic.

As evaluated,handling via this type approach of Geotechnic drilling application jobs is shortly summarying  to great  positive conclusions on considering  to various chapter.I have not accesed to  informations  about ground realities of L'Aquila as detailed But,subject information about a condition summaried as dangerous under Calcerous Brechia!!! type  via some research pages...Expressing Kas from Turkey Region to this type 'extreme dangerous structure' as geotechnic  on  literature research.You know that Kas is among prone provinces  based on seismic risk.And next,I summary as serious alteration condition until to void zone of Karstic type structure with outer sourced effects as cause of thistype geologic structure at Kas.Thus,Kas province of Turkey has to a earthquake risk as routine or chronic.I will continue to this type explanations by developments established  based on experimental

Again thanks ...Again I will wait for your appreciated ideas

Ekrem Erkuş
Geophysics Engineer

As a whole with this conclusions,even though condition discarding to important tectonic elements based on Kas example,emphasizing to condition producing Earthquake of Kas as related to different causes!!!Also,especially citing to condition documented as absolute to 'bad ground condition' as free than important tectonic structure of spectrogram technic expressed


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