Faults can show to different type progress mechanisms
Earthquakes can present to weird conditions as orthogonal to fault at knowed locations (for example,some ophiolitic zones).In the other hand,carrying-out to big magnitude with a triggering as Fault-directed
We saw about showed to what type conclusions at extraordinary regions of big earthquakes after Albania event.This event that shrinkage effect of upper zone by inner heat phenomena of Earth and a example as very interesting of dehydration mechanism in this direction.Effected through route of Heat Phenomena that we confirmed with events of Bosnia&W Crete region.So,triggering condition by a mechanism as creeptype at Bosnia region.Also,caused to movement at a fault direction of triggering for W Crete(We observe that serious aftershocks after W Crete event are not subject!!!In this mean,a condition as supplementary to thesis.So,a dehydration type condition is not subject)
I especially express that some Geologists based on some suture zones wait a movement as Fault-directed.But,observing a orthogonal movement as common for thistype zones that this condition is a ? for especially some Geologists
By the way,I remember some speculative expressions via media about a triggering condition for Marmara of realised important magnitudes onto this route...such a condition by my analysis is not producing impact for Marmara.So,peoples must be relax
I especially express that some Geologists based on some suture zones wait a movement as Fault-directed.But,observing a orthogonal movement as common for thistype zones that this condition is a ? for especially some Geologists
By the way,I remember some speculative expressions via media about a triggering condition for Marmara of realised important magnitudes onto this route...such a condition by my analysis is not producing impact for Marmara.So,peoples must be relax
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