a analysis on some informations until a big magnitude event
In this blog,I will realise a analysis on some informations until a big magnitude event
On first information;
On second information;
Some snapshots for comparison;
Especially,two big circle for comparison with two marker indicator on "Some snapshots for comparison" part are understanding as more clear
Mysteries of Ugey Nuur and Lake Qinghai have solutioned
In the other hand ,a location information on USGS data have evaluated;
Thus,I evaluated on a central analysis(yellow circle) with Google Earth;
(Note:Karangetang and Shilevuch that cuted on this analysis)
Evaluation on line shows that Lake Qinghai as bigest lake of CHINA with Ugey Nuur/MONGOLIA(So,about mystery of Endorheic type basins at this region)
Orthogonal analysis by maximum distinction&intersection of two big circle shows that
YanıtlaSilby maximum distinction
-Juan de Fuca Plate Region
-*Two Marker Region*
by intersection
-Juan de Fuca Plate Region
-~Gibraltar Region
-*Two Marker Region*
Thus,I especially express that
_Juan de Fuca Plate quite powerful
_Two Marker Region very powerful
Good Days...