A Geometric Analysis after Brasil Geography Seismic Phenomena

 M4.8-W of Qaraçala,Jan19

M5.6-ESE of Cartago,Jan19

M4.3-S of Saint-Pierre,Jan12

M5.1-SE Central Pacific Ocean,Jan17

M5.0-NE of Hihifo,Jan18

M4.2-W of San Antonio de los Cobres,Jan14

M5.2-WNW of Ollague,Jan14

M4.3-ENE of Zapatoca,Jan15

M5.1-Bouvet Isl Region,Jan15

M5.7-S Sandwich Isls Region,Jan18

M5.2-W of Cepita,Jan21

M4.2-SSW of La Gomera,Jan14

M5.0-E of SantaMaria Zapotitlan,Jan18

M4.2-WSW of Acajutla,Jan19

M5.5-WNW of Sola,Jan19

M4.4-WSW of Guadalupe Victoria,Jan20

M4.3-S of Saint-Pierre,Jan12

M5.1-SE Central Pacific Ocean,Jan17

M5.0-NE of Hihifo,Jan18

M5.1-NNW of Isangel,Jan15

M4.3-SSE of Isangel,Jan15

M4.9-NW of Isangel,Jan19

M4.7-SE of the Loyalty Isls,Jan19

M4.3-SE of the Loyalty Isls,Jan19

M4.8-NW of Tuti,Jan19

M5.2-ESE of Vao,Jan20

M4.4-SW of Palca,Jan21

M4.3-S of Saint-Pierre,Jan12

M4.8-NW of AntofagastadelaSierra,Jan15

M4.1-WSW of SanPedrodeAtacama,Jan15

M4.1-NE of Çelikhan,Jan18

M5.3-S Sandwich Isls Region,Jan18

M4.3-NNE of Gürün,Jan19

M5.0-"          "        ",Jan20

M4.8-Reykjanes Ridge,Jan20

M5.1-Kermadec Isls,Jan15

M4.1-SSE of Adak,Jan16

M3.1-ESE of Miches,Jan19

M5.3-SW of Salcha,Jan19
