Understanding reflected condition related a collision boundary into Anatolides-Taurides Suture System of seismic event summaried for N of OvacıkBay by mydataset;
Important year based on some earthquake events between 2010 and 2011; Feb27,2010>Chile Earthquake_M8.8-06:34 UTC Sep3,2010>New Zealand Earthquake_M7.2-16:35 UTC March11,2011>Japan Earthquake_M9.0-05:46 UTC Sep15,2011>Fiji Earthquake_M7.3-19:30 UTC As maybe more interesting,amazing correlation as time of events that 4522 hours and one minute between Chile and New Zealand Earthquakes 4525 hours and 11 minutes between New Zealand and Japan Earthquakes 4525 hours and 44 minutes between Japan and Fiji Earthquakes Yes,we are witnessing a "perfect equidistance" as 188 days ~!
Orfeus as European Infrastructure for Seismic Waveform in European Observating System on AlpArray Initiative is knowing on Seismologic Infrastructure Studies into European Hinterland. New vision that shortly,expressing as "Synergy" With this aim,widening of organisational structure is basepoint.For this,emphasizing to powerfulness of a "mass approach" on observing of European Hinterland on opensource programming language As a conclusion of efforts in this field,a "Data Network Structure System" on Obspy&Python Programming Capabilities have developed. Shortly,reading on internet network of basedata &carrying-out by user of some data process steps.And next,presenting on some types of some conclusions... So,summarying as "Platform Structure" On earthquake researches,providing to international a "synergy" on ground researches besides earthquake via user networks at hinterland countries for establishing as powerful of inf...
I discussed near "two seismic event" as time considering Outer Core Structure; >4/16_M4.3,Fannuj Region >4/17_M4.6,Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge I observe Algeria-Niger border ~ for central region as volumetric.Next,I noted some developments correlated to circle; >4/18_M4.4,Bardaskan Region >4/21_M5.3,Bardarbunga Region >4/21_M4.6,South Atlantic Ocean >4/24_M4.8,Reykjanes Ridge >5/1_M4.6,Socotra Region >5/3_M4.2,Quchan Region >5/6_M4.5,Norwegian Sea >5/13_M4.8,Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge Data Source:USGS Yes,you are right,I cite a volumetric develepment thesis based on outer core structure for these events. Thus,I hope that as nice an approach for Earth Researchers... Ekrem ERKUŞ Geophysicist/TURKEY Add analysis conclusions as experimental; OTHER CENTERS: >Laos-Vietnam Border Region >Southern Niue >NWestern Camana POLAR DESCRIPTIONS: >SEastern Pelly Lakes >Antarctica Region OTHER CRITIC GEOMETRY LOCATIONS: >Bismarck Sea Region >P...
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