Most excited matter expressed of some geoevironments about Madagascar Isl. is summaried a stru. related to Africa main continent on geologic history of this colossal isl!!!This condition clearly framed via image thrusting handled during analysis; Where,I especially emphasize as geophysicist that some offshore structure areas characterised on red arrows with a NE progress as direction of this colossal island(~600000 km^2!!!)You are right!We observe summaried big focus condition some geoenvironments of Beira Bay and offshore Qulimane as a description for this red arrow fields... Especially,citing source problems as a whole for geophysical application background realised at this field that this is absolutely true...In this mean,I underline role of a request official authorities at source field... Thus,thanks🖐 Ekrem,Geophysicist If we spatially compare vìa a example as more understandable this colossal landpart presented a development breaking from main...