
Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Selective Earthquakes on Density,Speed and Temp. data

14:04 M4.5 5/31 Antofagasta/CHI M4.6 5/31 PERU_BOLIVIA BORDER REGION 15:14 M4.6 5/31 N of Chickaloon/ALS(Considering M6.1 event) Also,other selective events  sumaried of timerange on different sources; M4.5_14:38 &M4.6_14:44 N Atlantic Ridge M4.4_15:00 Vanuatu  I sign perfect circle geometry caused of a fast globe analysis on a reference of this events for geoenvironments👍;

Madagascar Isl as amazing example of inner forces of Earth

Most excited matter expressed of some geoevironments about Madagascar Isl. is summaried a stru. related to Africa main continent   on geologic history of this colossal isl!!!This condition clearly framed via image thrusting handled during analysis; Where,I especially emphasize as geophysicist that some offshore structure areas characterised on red arrows with a NE  progress as direction of this colossal island(~600000 km^2!!!)You are right!We observe summaried big focus condition some geoenvironments of Beira Bay and offshore Qulimane as a description for this red arrow fields... Especially,citing source problems as a whole for geophysical application background  realised at this field that this is absolutely true...In this mean,I underline role of a request official authorities at source field... Thus,thanks🖐 Ekrem,Geophysicist  If we spatially compare vìa a example as  more understandable this colossal landpart presented a development breaking from main...

5/28_ Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)


effective ground evaluations on non-insitu concept

  We can suggest two effective approach as pratic for evaluating ground effects of far seismic events; I)As first approach,evaluation shake sensing reports on distance-magnitude relations a big magnitude as relative. II)As second approach,analysis of multistations  This approaches are among techniques summaried for ground inspect of non-insitu concept.Explanation via blogger as a example for first description; https://mybloginfrmtns.blogspot.com/2021/03/3182021-update-due-to-dbase-matters.html?m=1 Second Approach: Comparative a procedure of spectrogram analysis of stations included same radius by source for evaluating ground effects of far seismic events that summarying as pretty effective method.In this mean,link acquired of pre-informations about common structure of applications: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W9sQVPHEKAg Where,eligibility with autoprocess tricks of stations included same radius among most important headlines emphasized considering evaluation expressed!!!You ...

5/27_ Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)


What's going on?Really,very very amazing!!!!

I especially interest for a condition detected of big earthquake predictors  as referenced Sun!!!!!!!!! My followers know that emphasizing certainty of big earthquake(M>=5.5) conds based on Solar Density as routine👍In this mean,I especially say observed of a condition as very very weird for devs of neartime👍(This conditions documented with events of red frame).Especially,I will wait replies of some envrs about explanations of this condition Thus,Thanks...


 You know that RStudio is perfect solution as a whole for your statistical analysis...In this mean,I will present some informations followers about capabilities of RStudio.As first,I handled easy application about base stru. of RStudio;   

Mixing groundwater and seawater geochemical modeling with Phreeqc and Python

  Data Link: https://www.hatarilabs.com/ih-en/mixing-groundwater-and-seawater-geochemical-modeling-with-phreeqc-and-python-tutorial

5/26_ Analysis Conclusions,important location determinations for some geoenvironments on critic geometric relations(I especially emphasize significance of green pins and intersections)
