A effective solution to Basemap&netCDF intergration
Nice application example about analysis of near or far region by coordinate...In this concept, you can inform about condition of physical parameter by day,range or year scale or can establish a evaluation with some analysis.This example,expressing a presentation detailed about a evaluation as year based at maximum area;
Average Temperature between 61-66(Time-lapse application)
Note.Code includes 3 sub-part.
1)Mapping by date defined on coordinate expressed of .nc file under IPhython console
2)Producing to folder of .jpg files by range defined for timelapse aims
3)Timelapse process of .jpg files produced
Additional Notes:
- Installing pillow module for part3
- Establishing six .jpg folder on years
- Carrying-out line operations required before compilation for all year(For example,this code presents a "Average Temperature Map" at IPyhon Console for 1966/1/1 by part1.And next,Part2 concludes to .jpg images for all days of 1966 under jpegs6 folder.Finally,part3 produces a .gif for mail folder with files from jpegs6 folder
Donwload link for .nc files:
I summary about final condition of other files on main folder expressed;
Conclusions of .GIF files;
By the way,I carried-out a example about caused to how a conclusion by specific coordinate description of Basemap;
latitude and longitude descriptions on lines related must be carry-out.Also,IPhython conclusion during code compilation;
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